Saturday, August 31, 2019

Classical Managment Essay

Historical Foundations of management have been around for years and were first introduced by Fayol around the turn of the century . This essay will discuss three main points and questions around management, the first question will cover how modern management practices have evolved from the â€Å"classical approaches to management†. The second question will cover the challenges contemporary managers face in 2013 compared to managers in the era of the classical approaches and the third question will be around comparing and contrasting bureaucratic management to a style of management I have been faced with. This discussion will pay particular attention to Frederick Taylor’s scientific approach to management. How Modern Management Practices have evolved from the â€Å"Classical Approaches to Management†? The classical management approaches focus on developing universal principles for use in various management situations. There are 3 three major theories within the classical approaches. Scientific management, administrative principles and Bureaucratic organisations and these theories are still widely used in management today. Modern management approaches focus on the systems view of organisations and contingency thinking in a dynamic and complex environment. The modern management approaches to management grew directly from foundations established by the classical approaches. It has been proven in today’s working world you need to have a mix of the classical approaches and the modern management approaches to succeed in today’s environment. According to McDonalds case study the restaurants operate on classical management theory – there are elements of â€Å"scientific management from a former era (to maintain efficiency), as well as up-to-the minute human relations approaches to maintain the motivation of the â€Å"crew†. . Challenges contemporary mangers face in 2013 compared to mangers in the era of Classical approaches. A contemporary business environment refers to management trends in the 21st century – the year 2000 to now. . Globalisation plays a missive part in the changing challenges for contemporary mangers. Most companies move into international markets and by moving into different international markets there are different rules and regulations that need to be learned when doing business. It was Cited in that it is important for global organisations to employ people from other cultures who understand the customs and traditions of other countries and to deal appropriately with customers. This then brings different beliefs and cultural beliefs into the work place and contemporary mangers need to understand the needs of their employees. In today’s working environment multiculitlism is a growing factor and plays a big part in contemporary mangers needing to adapt to different management styles to help create the rights at work for its people, for example if your religion requires you to pray at certain times of the day, a manger would need to respect these religious beliefs and allow you to do so, back in the time if the classical era this would have not even been considered. It wasn’t until 1920s; an emphasis on the human side in the workplace began to establish its influence on management thinking . It was also cited in people are interacting with others who are different from themselves with biological, political, religious or cultural differences. This causes for the contemporary mangers to learn and adapted to new skills. If we look at the evolution of management practices over a period of time off from the era to now. It has changed dramatically and there are more practices to consider and adapt as a contemporary manger. Referring below outlines the evolution of management practices from the era to now and how much more a contemporary manger needs to consider then a manger in the era had to. Evolution of management practices Period /YearClassical Approaches 1890 Systemic Management 1900Bureaucratic Management 1920Administrative Management 1930Human Relations 1940Behavioural perspective Contemporary Approaches 1940Quantitative Management 1950Organisational Behaviour 1960System Theory 1970Contingency Theory 1990Total Quality Management 1990Learning Organisation 2000Business Reengineering CurrentStrategic Management Diversify in the workplace has also grown from the 1890’s to now. The amount of women workers in the work place has doubled over time; women in particular needs are diifernm It was cited in the journal article that Daft and Samson (2009) argued that rganisations are encountering new challenges to deal with diversity as more women and people from minority backgrounds are entering the workforce in the contemporary business environment PART B (some personal reflections) Scientific Management compared and contrast with current management style of what I have been faced with. Fredrick W. Taylor published the Scientific management emphasises careful selection and training of workers, and supervisory support. It has four guiding action principles: 1. if you check your presentation guidelines on page 7 of the Subject Outline and the extra information provided in Resources folder under Assignment Help in MGT100 Interact site you will see that subheadings are quite appropriate in business assessments. You could set you work out with meaningful headings to help guide the reader through your discussion. For example,  · INTRODUCTION (introducing both parts of the discussion)  · PART A – (optional heading) SUBHEADING 1 SUBHEADING 2 SUBHEADING 3  · PART B – (optional heading) SUBHEADING 4 (e.g. â€Å"some personal reflections . . â€Å")  · CONCLUSION (concluding both parts of the discussion)  · REFERENCES If your writing is very clear then it may not be necessary to include the Part A & B headings. Your primary responsibility is to make sure that your essay is clear and understandable to the reader. The best way to ensure this is to get someone else to read your work (preferably not a business student) before you submit. Question 2: I chose option two for the essay, Historical Foundations to Management. When considering ‘classical approaches to management’ is it suggestible that I mention (or cover) all theories, or just a select few which represent a cross section of the range of classical theories? Or, should I focus on only one or two theories? Suggestion: When in doubt put yourself in the reader’s position. The question asks about ‘classical approaches’, think about what you would want to know if you were reading a response to this question from a position of little or no knowledge of management theory. Also think about how many words you have available. That is, the more theories you include the less adequately they will be explained. It’s up to you to work out the balance between scope and detail. You can get away with most things if you explain to the reader in either the Introduction or very early on what your intended scope is (e.g ‘This discussion will pay particular attention to Fayol’s fourteen principles and Taylor’s four principles of management . . . etc). Then the reader doesn’t get disappointed to find his or her favourite theory has been omitted. This is what I think I would be silently asking myself:  · What is meant by a ‘classical approach’? and by implication . . .  · How is a ‘classical approach’ different to other approaches?  · How is the writer (you) going to make his case that classical approaches are still/not relevant today? Asking these questions would lead you to the sort of answers you are looking for with regard to ‘required theoretical content’:  · You really need to mention at least briefly the three big names of Taylor, Fayol, and Weber  · You really need to give a nod to the other big approaches such as quantitative, HRM, contemporary  · This is your choice and will be determined by personal interest, the sorts of case examples you use and word limits. You need to include enough material to be convincing. You won’t have to look very far with any of those big names to make a case. I imagine you will only have space for about 2 specific theories Carroll, S. J & Gillen D. J. (1984). The Classical Management Functions: Are They Really Outdated? P132-136. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.1984.4978715 Ambang, T, (2009). Challenges of contemporary management in Papua New Guinea, 10(2), p1-16.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Greece working Conditions Essay

Introduction Business ethics examine the ethical, moral and principle problems that occur in a business environment, and its application applies to all aspects of a business, which include strategy implementation, policy formulation, organizational culture and legal proceedings, just to mention a few. Business decisions are best explained by the use of ethical frameworks, which include; the utilitarian rule, social justice, deontology and ethics of virtues. The task in the presentation is to research working conditions in Greece and then figure out which ethical framework is being used by the leaders of that country in that issue. A careful analysis of the matter indicates that the leaders employ the utilitarian framework, which states that given two or more choices to choose from, a person must choose the one that yields maximum benefits to the largest number of people (Windelband, 1958). In other words, if a given choice is going to benefit a small number of people, it is of great importance. John Stuart Mill modified the law of utilitarianism and came up with a new utilitarian rule which stated that, one determines what is right by contrasting the outcome of all related agents of alternative policy for a particular condition (Quinton, 1973). Issue: Greece Working Conditions To understand the working conditions, data from the Institute of Employment is used. The data was provided by the Social Insurance Foundation and Labor Inspectors in Greece. This institute carried out a research in the year 2003. The objective of the research was to investigate the health and safety legislations in Greece. Questionnaires handed out to 324 people of various specialties. 35.8 percent specified that there were no health and safety provisions in the firm and 48.7% stated that, to their knowledge, there was no physician assigned to the firm. A small percentage acknowledges the being of a health and safety committee in their firm was only 32.4%. In the construction sector, 53.5% had a health and safety provision document while 58.9% in the manufacturing sector had the same. 66.1% of the respondents in the public sector said they lacked such a document (Aizenman, 2012). According to (Bentham 1948),  Ã‚   it is right to exercise what is good for the largest population of people. The study reveals that the greatest number of people in the work environment had the health and safety document.   Companies in Greece seem to value policies that yield the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. However, James Rachel, critic of the utilitarian rule, would have argued otherwise. In his criticisms, he points out that, everyone is equal and that everybody’s happiness is important (Rachel, 1986). The group of people who lack the document in this case can claim that businesses in Greece did violate the business ethics. This indeed violates utilitarian moral framework. ‘’One issue in particular is already in danger of being subject to all kinds of populist rhetoric rather than objective assessment: free movement of people in general and of workers in particular, in the European Union’’, says President Boroso while addressing the European crisis, which pioneered numerous reforms in Greece labor laws. The reforms led to limited protection of workers in the labor market. This aspect violated business ethics and essential social rights. Law number 3863/2010 introduced fundamental changes in the labor market. The major areas changed included: The period given as a notice to the termination of white-collar workers significantly shortened. The golden handshake for white-collar workers reduced by a half due to the reforms made. Operational costs must be kept between 5% and 10%. The minimum wage rates for workers under the age of 25 years reduced to 84% of the set minimum wage. For underage workers, the minimum wage rate set at 70% of the set minimum wage (Lynn, 2011). According to (Bentham, 1948) these changes cannot yield maximum benefits to the society because they only cater for a few individuals. In fact, are in contrast with the labor minister, Algimanta Pabedinskiene, utterances, and I quote, ‘‘Tackling NEET problems will require a variety of measures facilitating the transition of these young people into the world of employment, or their return to the education system. In applying these measures, a special focus should be placed on vulnerable groups’’. The law set by the government aimed at protecting the community from mass unemployment by making the labor laws weak, but by doing so, individual interests were not considered.   According to (Allison, 1990) a rational individual wants to make more   money from their employment, and the same   individual does not want to work in conditions, which make him/her feel underpaid. This is to say that the government is doing more harm than good by introducing weak labor laws. However, the government encourages underage working, which is a way of depriving minors their rights. This is not in line with the utilitarianism because it violates the ethics (Thilly, 1957). Apart from the labor market reforms, the government instituted in 2010, service cuts in pension and other important reforms in the social security regulations (Pryce 2012). The key points to note are as follows: Zero increase in the current pension over the next 3 years For the uninsured persons over the age of 65, their basic pension criteria underwent reforms. The amount of the pension is set at â‚ ¬360. The national budget will finance the pension from the year 2018. With respect to minimum wages, the reduction of salaries in now fully permitted for all workers who are receiving the minimum wage rate in the country. This is now possible after an agreement in the National General Collective Agreement (NGCA). Signing of the agreement on 15 July 2010 was by the social partners. This agreement validation was to be effected after three years (Feldstein, 2011). Salary cut for employees between 25 years was set between 22% and 32%. The employer can impose this cut without the consent of the employee. These reforms further show how the government violates utilitarian principle. A salary cut without the consent of employees is unethical, and violates utilitarian rule. According to (Goodin, 1995), utilitarianism as a public philosophy has been broken. Goodin explains utilitarianism as a principle which should guide political leaders while making decisions that affect the society at large. He points out that leaders must take into account the impacts of the policies they pass on the entire society, other than focusing on a small group of people. In addition, (Copleston, 1975) states that people’s decisions and rights must be respected whenever the government passes policies that has direct impacts on citizen’s welfare. He further states that failure to exercise this, the government will be infringing citizen’s rights, which is unethical. Conclusion The government and companies in Greece tend to pass laws and policies in line with the utilitarian framework, but there are many instances where the leaders go contrary to the principles of the framework. Using quotes and criticisms of the law and data collected, it is evident that there exists infringement of the utilitarian rule. The Government of Greece ought to use this analysis to rewrite its policies. It is ironical that the government wants zero unemployment while it continues to pass laws and regulations that do not yield greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. The happiness of citizens and their rights must be respected if the government aims at reducing unemployment. References Aizenman, J. (2012). Developing countries’ financial vulnerability to the euro crisis an event study of equity and bond markets. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Allison, L. (1990). The Utilitarian response: the contemporary viability of utilitarian political philosophy. London: Sage Publications. Copleston, F. C. (1975). A history of philosophy. Westminster, Md.: Newman Bookshop. Feldstein, M. S. (2011). The euro and European economic conditions. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. George, S. K. (2005). The moral philosophy of John Steinbeck. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.Copy & PasteParenthetical Goodin, R. E. (1995). Utilitarianism as a public philosophy. Cambridge University Press. Havard, W. C. (1959). Henry Sidgwick & later utilitarian political philosophy. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.Copy & Paste Lynn, M. (2011). Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the sovereign debt crisis. Hoboken, N.J.: Bloomberg Press.Copy & PasteParentheticalNardo, D. (2006). Ancient Greece. Detroit: Lucent Books. Pryce, V. (2012). Greekonomics: the Euro crisis and why politicians don’t get it. London: Biteback.Copy & Pastearenthetical Quinton, A. (1973). Utilitarian ethics. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Thilly, F. (1957). A history of philosophy (3d ed.). New York: Holt. Windelband, W., & Tufts, J. H. (1958). A history of philosophy. New York: Harper & Brothers.   

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bookstore Inventory System

Table of Contents Introduction Statement of the Problem Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Significance of the Study Scope and Delimitation of the Study Definition of Terms Introduction Information Technology has brought different changes in the environment especially in the growth of advanced technology. Modern technology is used by many companies and other business establishment either private / public in order to benefit the advantages that it brings to businesses. They use a computer as one of the devices to work easier and faster. It is one of the aspects considered in order to gain success in the competitive world of business. Information Communication Technology or ICT is used as a general term for all kinds of technology which enable users to create access and manipulate information. ICT is a combination of information technology and communications technology. In an increasingly interconnected world, the interactions among devices, systems, and people are growing rapidly. Businesses need to meet the demands of their employees and customers to allow for greater access to systems and information. All of these communications needs must be delivered in a unified way. By offering a scalable infrastructure, cloud computing models enable companies to work smarter through more agile and cost-effective access to technology and information. This unified platform reduces costs and boosts productivity across business. Part of an information and communications technology roadmap should involve consolidating infrastructures, while providing added benefits to users in collaboration, messaging, calendaring, instant messaging, audio, video, and web conferencing. Cloud computing is driving more efficient IT consumption and delivery and taking ICT to the next level. The importance of having an efficient and robust Bookstore Inventory and Sales System cannot be understated. As technology continues to evolve, customers are demanding streamlined customer service and instant access to easier transaction process. Bookstore Inventory and Sales System generates customer service processes, increases efficiency and improves technological factors. Statement of the Problem This system aims to handle transactions and to have a success in customer interaction presents. 1. How can the customer view the details of a certain item they need. 2. How can the administrator view all the records of the entire customer. 3. How can the administrator compute the bills of the customer. 4. How the administrators can add and delete customer’s record. 5. How can the administrator manage the customers. Theoretical Framework Bookstore Inventory and Sales System provides the easiest way in customer service. At this point, our system is one whom we designed for the purpose. First, a user can register either an administrator or a clerk provided the questions and requirements asked as he go through the process then if successful, he will be automatically registered in the logs. If registered as administrator, he can do all changes in every transaction on sales and records for the authority is in that position. He can delete, edit, or add in the records available. He can also view all the stocks and the total sales in a certain date. On the other hand, clerk, he can only do things that only a clerk can do such as do transactions with the customer purchasing in a certain date and record it accordingly. Conceptual Framework Significance of the Study This system will be able to lessen the difficulty of service providers in finding and locating the book/s the customer want to buy. With corresponding details and price of each book, the clerk can be able to automatically inform the customer. This system will also help them know the quantity of books and stocks available. This will also function as a sales inventory for all the transactions recorded accordingly. This system will be able to lessen the time – consuming processes for clerk and customers, create a quick and easy ambiance for all transactions, to develop a customer clerk interaction with a good atmosphere, and especially to increase the number of sales because of the good services it provides. Scope and Delimitation From manual system to automated system is a very hard job to do but for an easier way it is designed to make the work faster. This inventory system can keep all the information and transactions in the computer. The admin can do change if the customers can’t achieve his/her needs. Admin/Clerk can compute the bills of the customers in an easiest way. This system can display all the customers’ information and needs. The customers can have his/her record in the computer and can have his/her service in details as he/she has requested. Definition of Terms 1. The act or process of making a complete list of the things that are in a place. 2. Sales The total amount of money that a business receives from selling goods or services. 3. Transaction A business deal: an occurrence in which goods, services, or money are passed from one person, account, company to another. 4. Bill An itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered. 5. Clerk A person whose job is to keep track of records and documents for a business or office. 6. Administrator A person who controls the use of something (such as property or money).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The strongest argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The strongest argument - Essay Example It shows that Lott has a stronger case, because he presents validated claims with relevant examples, statistics, and authority, though he has some weak assumptions, while Mitchard focuses too much on anecdotal evidence and one authority to support her claims. Lott presents stronger claims than Mitchard with pervasive use of statistics, logic, and ethos. Lott claims that carrying guns in school can deter violence, which happens outside schools already. First, he establishes the pervasiveness of gun-carrying laws through the historical trend that supports carrying guns: â€Å"In 1985, just eight states had right-to-carry laws...Today [2003], 35 states do.† Second, he uses more statistics to demonstrate that where there are guns, violence is lesser: â€Å"[studies give evidence] that on average, states that adopt right-to-carry laws experience a 60% drop in the rates at which the attacks occur, and a 78% drop in the rates at which people are killed or injured from such attacks.† These statistics are relevant, although the last one mentioned here is a bit outdated. Still, they offer information that having guns can deter violence. Lott also uses relevant authorities to support him. He says: â€Å"Annual surveys of crime victim s in the United States by the Justice Department show that when confronted by a criminal, people are safest if they have a gun.† This means that people feel they are safer, since they can protect themselves. This has no correlation though with lesser violence rates. Lott also conducted studies on gun violence. This gives him ethos on why and how guns can reduce and stop school violence. Lott also handles objections to his claims. He notes that one of the main sources of objections that people use comes from the media. The news alone shows many people dying because of guns, and even from law-abiding citizens who had sanity lapses and use their guns during intensely emotional events. Lott underscores that the â€Å"2 million times

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Foundations of Knowledge and Professional Skills Assignment

Foundations of Knowledge and Professional Skills - Assignment Example element of surprise in these two organizations the author gives a case where the film crew was shooting a dramatic slaughter scene on the top of the floor. The electricity electrocutes the victim, while failing into a hot tub. However, they failed to account for displacement. When the actor failed into the tub, the water overflowed, spreading over the floor. The floor shorted the electricity in the entire mansion, halting the production. On the case of SWAT police, he brings out a case where the police had prepared to execute a search warrant on suspected drug house. The officer on the team had reviewed pictures film and diagrams of the location. They sketched the route to follow during the entry and agreed on their distribution inside the location (Edward, 2009, p.382). The wall and rooms were not in expected configuration. According to cunha, surprise is a break in the expectation that arise from a situation that are not expected or do not advance as planned (Baker 2007). It encompasses unanticipated element and draws attention from standard progression of work. Surprises are interesting for they show the various way an organization faces uncertainty and adapts. Surprise has been characterized into various group based on their source and outcomes. Both events processes generate them. Cuhn et al (2003, P.322) argues that they can emerge from simple situation, or a complicated system. The consequences of surprise can be negative or positive at their most negative they can constitute to a cosmology event as described by Mann gulch blaze. The positive consequences are where the outcome of surprises engages the organization members with situation coupled with recognition of need for change. No matter the source of the surprise the organization member need to response in a manner that enables their work to continue. Organization is increasingly facing surprise as enumerated by Barley (2006, p.88). It is therefore very important to understand what make organization

Monday, August 26, 2019

Finale Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Finale Paper - Assignment Example Among these three ethical theories, deontology provides the best response because it treats patients as autonomous ends who have the right to make end-of-life decisions, but it avoids the slippery slope of justifying suicide and considers rules that should guide moral end-of-life decisions. Rule utilitarianism argues that people have a right to end-of-life decisions if it offers the greatest net good for the majority. Rule utilitarianism evaluates end-of-life decisions through assessing the kinds of acts involved and the emphasis on the act that results to the greatest good for the greatest number of people (Mosser, 2013, p. 6.1). First, it considers that being able to decide one’s death is good if it saves resources because the health care system is already burdened with high costs due to limited medical and human resources (ForaTv, 2010). Second, rule utilitarianism adds the happiness of the patient to the total net good of the majority if he/she volunteers to end his/her life with respect to insufficient health care resources for the public. His/her happiness becomes part of the total happiness of more people. Rule utilitarianism values the net good and happiness that end-of-life decisions can provide to society. The strengths of rule utilitarianism in answering the question are that it considers the effect of end-of-life options to the good of the majority, which is essential in a society with limited and expensive health care resources, and that it does not treat these options as taboo because they can also contribute to net good and happiness. First, rule utilitarianism gives importance to the reality of limited and costly health care resources. It allows stakeholders to find public benefits in sacrificing human life. Second, it removes negative conceptions that see euthanasia as immoral because, if it can produce

Contemporary Latino Narrative Film Research Paper

Contemporary Latino Narrative Film - Research Paper Example The paper will finally present a critical analysis of the director’s work. The movie, Motorcycle Diaries released in 2004 was an adaptation of the book with the same name written as a memoir by Che Guevara himself. It was directed by Walter Sallers and starred Gael Garcia Bernal as Ernesto Guevara and Rodrigo De la Serna as Alberto Granado (IMDB). The movie begins with a youthful happiness as two friends. Ernesto and Granado begin on a journey of fun and adventure that would transport them to a leper colony where they plan to provide their services as medical men. The aim of the journey is mostly to have fun and Ernesto take on his motorcycle, Le Poderosa as the mode of transportation. However, along their journey, Guevara meets with poverty stricken people who are severely impacted by the capitalist society and this transform Guevara into a man who feels that these people should be represented and should fight for equal rights by developed a communist regime. When one sees that movie as a transformation of the protagonist, one will find a remarkable change in Guevara from the beginning of the movie till the end. The movie begins on a lighthearted note where one is able to enjoy the idiosyncrasies of the two young men who have no responsibilities of the world. Having always lived within their own circle, these two men are unaware of the plight of the communist living within their own country. In the beginning, the talk of these men is centered on girls and having fun and adventure. They laugh often, they joke often and they are like any other typical men of their age (Christianson, 13). The transformation in Guevara however is not very sudden. Even while having the adventure of his lifetime, the viewers see a responsible man in certain instances. Since Guevara belonged to the medical profession, his eyes were open for the patients among the people he met. While his friend, Granardo was more

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Project Management for Construction Assignment

Project Management for Construction - Assignment Example As per my observations, I have proposed a number of actions that could be taken by the company in the near future. The findings of my analysis are explained one by one. The project as per contract No.205 is for a total sum of 10,000,000 and has been prepared under the JCT 98 format. Initially, the company had calculated the internal budget for the project and had projected it at 9,500,000, out of which 750,000 was allocated for package contracts. the project is still ongoing and has been facing some problems of late, which will be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs. From the existing financial records, the total cost of the project incurred by the company has so far been close to 6,750,000, out of which 6,200,000 was spent on paying the package contractors and suppliers. However, the amount that has been obtained from the client since the commencement of the project has been to the tune of only 5,850,000, which means that the company has spent an extra amount of 900,000 on this project. In fact, it can be seen that the spending of the company has been more directed towards the package contracts and has in fact been more than the income that has been obtained from this project so far. This suggests that the company has not been efficient enough in monitoring the deficit, which has resulted in an extra investment of nearly a million pounds into the project that is yet to be cleared by the client. Apart from this, I have calculated the ... Apart from this, I have calculated the retention ratio at 10%, which is usually deemed quite less, especially for bigger projects such as these. At present, the company owes around 300,000 to the package contractors, out of which around 100,000 meant for a contractor has become insolvent. This leaves the existing dues to the package contractors at 200,000. I would like to note here that the situation on the part of the client has not been encouraging in terms of their financial performance during the past year. The shares of Rus Ting plc have not been performing well and their value has dropped by as much as half of their value. The poor performance of the client can be further reflected by the fact that they are yet to pay their certified installment due last month. To make matters worse, bad weather over the past few months has been constantly hampering the smooth flow of work at the construction site. The major concern of the company at the present moment is with regards to the time of completion of the project. By taking various factors into account, it has been estimated that the project would be completed three weeks behind schedule. Under such a situation, the company would have to pay up to 90,000 under Liquidated and ascertained damages to the client. Thus, it can be seen that apart from the outstanding costs that have been incurred by the company, another danger still looms large if no immediate steps are taken to bring about a change in the company's strategy and practices.Apart from these problems that the project is facing at the moment, there have been various other problems that have been hampering the progress of the project from time to time.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in the United Kingdom Essay

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in the United Kingdom - Essay Example A huge proportion of the world's energy resources come from natural gases, fossil fuels, and nuclear fuels. These types of energy sources emit harmful chemicals and residues in the atmosphere, on the soil and in various bodies of water, which are harmful to the environment. Recent studies estimate that the demand for energy will increase affectedly within the next few decades. Many scientists around the world agonize over the postulated insufficiency of natural gases which are now considered to be finite and unsustainable. Also, global environmental problems like global warming call for cleaner energy sources in order to preclude degenerative developments in the world's environmental conditions. The running down of United Kingdom’s vast energy resources, along with the forecasted escalation of the world’s energy consumption imperils its energy security. Jamieson 2 Sole reliance on fossil and nuclear fuels void its commitment to reducing energy consumption and cutting ca rbon emissions. The national government now turns to exploiting renewable energy sources that will increase energy supply. The adoption of renewable energy will also help in the decarbonization of the atmosphere using Carbon and Capture Technology. The Department of Energy and Climate Change’s Office for Renewable Energy Development exerts effort in order to understand how this transformation can be achieved and to discuss the possible barriers that may debar adoption of renewable energy. How to achieve development of diverse renewable resources The implementation of renewable energy technologies in the United Kingdom can â€Å"meet the target to deliver 15% of the UK’s energy consumption from renewable resources by 2020† (Department of Energy and Climate Change, â€Å"Renewable Energy†). There are eight (8) renewable resources technologies that will be used to generate at least 15% of the total energy consumption in the United Kingdom by 2020. These are the following: (1) Onshore wind; (2) Offshore wind; (3) Marine Energy; (4) Biomass Electricity; (5) Biomass Heat; (6) Air-source and Ground-source heat pumps; (7) Renewable Transport; (8) Solar and Geothermal Technologies. The national government should focus on the following measures in order to achieve these developments: 1. Enabling access to the grid. Deployment of energy generated by renewable energy resources cannot be completed without access to the grid. This can make or break the plan. The government must ensure that grids are supplied on all renewable energy sites in order to ease deployment actions. Jamieson 3 2. Making sure of a sustainable supply of bioenergy. Bioenergy is seen to possibly contribute almost half of the total energy production needed to meet the 15% target. However, matters pertaining to its sustainability may reduce the use of bioenergy. 3. Technological Advancement. A constant upgrade on the technical support is needed to elevate efficiency on the depl oyment of energy throughout the country. While tools and equipment used in some forms of renewable energy technologies are relatively advanced, others are yet struggling with having the comparatively outmoded technology.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Change management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Change management - Essay Example These managers did not, surprisingly, point out on technology as being the cause of their failure. Often, a lot of challenges are faced in the event of reaching out for change. Some of these challenges include: Managers who would not offer the resources needed for a certain project to succeed. These projects could turn out to be the effective tools leading to change required in the organizations. In addition, these managers fail to allow their representatives enough time to participate in the change process. In some instances, these managers could filter out key messages or spread negative messages regarding the change. The other challenge is employees’ often-becoming distracted and loose interest in their line of duty. Thus, impacting profoundly on the production level of the organization and the number of customers involved in the organization. In some organizations, valued employees often leave the organization for various reasons. This is a formidable challenge because som e of these valued employees can bring visible change in the organization (Cooke 2009). ... Despite the desirable outcomes being the same, the means of getting there are totally different. For example, international organizations need not change using the culture of their job market. The focus on this change remains firmly on nuts and bolts of this organization’s change (Desmond 1992). Life has peaked to the extent that change is constant and inevitable. In addition, managing and producing change is the task of leaders. Thus, a full use of human expertise is more powerful than any other activity. This enables knowledge to be passed throughout the organization. Those in lower levels are trained more specifically than those in higher levels. Further, they are likely to be close to consumers and to the problem in need of being solved (Geen 2007). Therefore, there is a dire need to reduce power gap between the top managers and workers. With globalization expanding at a higher rate, there is this dire need for valuing and extreme use of differences. In an organization, th ere is the OD. This is a form of organizational change that significantly focuses on all levels of the organization. These levels include organization individual, group, inter group, total system and inter organizational without limiting the practice. The contents on the OD should include detail like the details and purpose of the organization, strategy, leadership management and about culture change (Hayes 2002). The underlying theory for OD practice is the open system theory. Any organization is rated on the basis of its input from its external environment and output. Most OD practitioners say that it is paramount to look for the importance of the said individual and the goals of this organization in question. This is to search of the better options for the individual

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Change Quantity Demand Essay Example for Free

Change Quantity Demand Essay A movement along a given demand curve caused by a change in demand price. The only factor that can cause a change in quantity demanded is price. A related, but distinct, concept is a change in demand. A change in quantity demanded is a change in the specific quantity of a good that buyers are willing and able to buy. This change in quantity demanded is caused by a change in the demand price. It is illustrated by a movement along a given demand curve. In fact, the only way to induce a change in quantity demanded is with a change in the price. Anything else, everything else, causes a change in demand. As the demand price induces a change in the quantity demanded and a movement along the demand curve, the five demand determinants (buyers income, buyers preferences, other prices, buyers expectations, and number of buyers) remain unchanged. Demand and Quantity Demanded To set the stage for an understanding of this difference, take note of two related concepts: * Quantity Demanded: Quantity demand is a specific quantity that buyers are willing and able to buy at a specific demand price. It is but ONE point on a demand curve. * Demand: Demand is the range of quantities that buyers are willing and able to buy at a range of demand prices. It is ALL points that make up a demand curve. Making Changes So what happens when the phrase change in is placed in front of each term? * Change in Quantity Demanded: A change in quantity demanded is a change from one price-quantity pair on an existing demand curve to a new price-quantity pair on the SAME demand curve. In other words, this is a movement along the demand curve. A change in quantity demanded is caused by a change in price. * Change in Demand: A change in demand is a change in the ENTIRE demand relation. This means changing, moving, and shifting the entire demand curve. The entire set of prices and quantities is changing. In other words, this is a shift of the demand curve. A change in demand is caused by a change in the five demand determinants. Changing the Quantity A Change in Quantity Demanded| - Top of Form Bottom of Form| A change in quantity demanded is a movement along a given demand curve. A change in demand is a shift of the demand curve. These alternatives can be illustrated with the negatively-sloped demand curve presented in this exhibit. This demand curve captures the specific one-to-one, law of demand relation between demand price and quantity demanded. The five demand determinants are assumed to remain constant with the construction of this demand curve. * A Change in Quantity Demanded: A change in quantity demanded, which is only triggered by a change in demand price, is a movement along the demand curve. Click the [A Price Change] button to demonstrate. A Change in Demand: A change in demand, which is triggered by a change in any of the five demand determinants, is a shift of the demand curve. Click the [A Determinant Change] button to demonstrate. An Important Difference Why is this difference so important? The answer is as simple as cause and effect. The demand curve is used (together with supply) to explain and analyze market exchanges. The sequence of events follows a particular pattern. * First, a demand (or supply) determinant changes. * Second, this determinant change causes the demand curve (orsupply curve) to shift. * Third, the change in demand (or supply) causes either a shortage or a surplus imbalance in the market. The market is in a temporary state of disequilibrium. * Fourth, the shortage and surplus imbalance causes the price of the good to change. * Fifth, the change in price causes a change in quantity demanded (and supplied). * Sixth, the change in quantity demanded (and supplied) eliminates the shortage or surplus and restores market equilibrium. The key conclusion is that demand (and supply) determinants, which induce changes in demand (and supply), are the source of instability in the market. The change in price, which induces a change in quantity demanded (and supplied) is the means of eliminating the instability and restoring equilibrium.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Marketing activities Essay Example for Free

Marketing activities Essay Jeans are just an ordinary piece of clothing to many people. To others, however, they are a powerful means of self-expression. This fact is confirmed by the sheer number of companies that produce jeans, including Levis, Gap, Old Navy, Calvin Klein, Armani, Guess, Miss Sixty, Tommy Hilfiger and many others. Jeans are one of many ways in which a person can send a message to other people concerning various aspects of one’s character, an easy and understandable way at that. Given the large scale of marketing activities of clothing manufacturers nowadays, if jeans did not send a message, the producing companies would invent a message for them. It is just so fascinating to impart a twist of meaning to a couple of pants so that the pubic can identify them with a particular style or trend. This is the age of individualisation and customization, and clothing manufacturers do not want to stay behind. They want to make their product specific and readily recognizable – and they do everything they can to appeal to their target audience with a specific message. For instance, Levis are now seen as a traditional American outfit, something that brings one back to the times of life on the frontier or something that our grandparents wore. Gap, on the contrary, is a more youthful, girlish look, and so is Miss Sixty. This process can be described as branding, a concept familiar to every marketer who knows that if a piece of clothing does not send a message, it is the job of the marketer to invent this message and make sure the potential buyers are able to recognise it. The marketers’ task is to plant in the mind of the consumer the idea that carrying a certain brand is linked to a philosophy, that a company does not stand merely for a set of machines with workers as appendages, that it can develop and sustain an ideology embodied in a simple pair of jeans. What kind of messages can jeans send out? First, a person can opt for a traditional or a modern design, underscoring the level of commitment to modernity and change. It is most often natural for older people to choose traditional fashion, classical fits that will last for many years without violating the norms of fashion. The young, on the contrary, will most often wear the fashions of this very season in order to underscore that they are at the forefront of fashion. When, for instance, an older person may opt for a more modern cut going to a youth venue for some reason. This can send out a message to the younger crowd that this person wants to be in many ways like them and share their experiences in different possible ways. Then there is the question to be solved as to how much sex appeal the jeans should hold. We all remember very well this trend towards super-tight men’s jeans that mostly young guys wore partly because it was fashionable and partly because they wanted to demonstrate their attractions to the opposite sex. Girls can also wear tight jeans or choose those that are very low-cut to emphasize their appeal. As with revealing clothing in general, a person wearing such clothing demonstrates that he or she is very confident of one’s ability to attract other people and happy or at least not shameful of one’s figure. This is not always the case, and those who think their bodies are distasteful are not likely to choose jeans that will reveal a large part of it. Another message linked to wearing sexy jeans is the manifestation of the desire to be liked by the opposite sex. Surely we all or almost all have this desire, but not everybody would dare to reveal it in public, either in words or in clothing. Many people are wary of being too open about this inner drive and try to suppress it as something indecent. The individual who chooses to demonstrate this natural instinct is sending a message to representatives of the opposite sex: â€Å"Look at me, I want you to appreciate me. Am I not good-looking? † Tight jeans will almost surely make guys inspect a girl’s figure more closely than that of her more modest friends even if those look like top models. She will then attract more suitors – but at the same time risks incurring girls’ anger as they recognize that she is out on a hunt and will grab a fair share of what could have been their prey. Thus, wearing provocative jeans can also be a sign of daring, ability to defy social norms and to disregard the opinion of other people. Since in most cultures flirting is reserved for informal surroundings, a person who puts on a sexy-looking pair indicates that he or she believes to be in a setting where flirting is acceptable and one can expect to find a partner. Few people would seriously consider putting on provocative jeans on a corporate outing since this would send the wrong message to the colleagues. Besides, jeans can look either sophisticated or sloppy, and this distinction, too, is meaningful. A person may choose to look sloppy in order to underscore the informality of the situation and to make others feel at ease. This effect can occur when, for instance, an official or top-level executive invents a little outing with subordinates and wants to appear in the image of a simple, down-to-earth man attentive to their needs and feelings. Choice of an upscale-looking, elegant pair of jeans may not be quite the right choice since this will remind the inferiors once again about the difference in the social status between them and their boss. A casual, sloppy pair will be more acceptable.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Terahertz Spectroscopy Approach

Terahertz Spectroscopy Approach Summary of the Papers Terahertz spectroscopy senses and controls belongings of substance with electromagnetic arenas that are in range of frequencies between hundreds of gigahertz to several terahertz. In Quantum mechanics based systems for interacting particles, several applicable conditions have an energy transformation that matches with the energy in Terahertz photons. Hence, THz spectroscopy delivers a particularly influential method in determining and adjusting individual evolutions between different quantum states. By exploiting this, one advances new visions about quantum kinetics and in what way that can be exploited in emerging and developing new expertise that are enhanced up to the fundamental quantum level. The paper deals with the DIPEL pro commercial product to control the worm pesticides used in organic gardening and in various organic materials. The considerable attenuation from broadcast measurements advocated robust signal scattering based on the dimensions of particles which is in between 1 mm to 400 micro meters and are adjacent to the THz wavelengths in the range between 250 ÃŽ ¼m to 750 ÃŽ ¼m. Also various reflection measurements were coming out and a 917 GHz absorbance rate was experiential recorded. This whole process deals with Mie theory that a portion of concentration is go along with scattering. Therefore, concentration can be noticed by the reflectivity dimensions. To demonstrate this theory, spores were disconnected from the large DiPel coarse elements and their occurrence was again deep-rooted with microscopy. A diffusion scan of the taken out spore samples was then repetitive process. The absorption and scattering process is controlled and irregular shapes of the par ticles are controlled using terahertz spectroscopy approach 2nd Paper Terahertz spectroscopy approach is also used for the chemical analysis. Fingerprinting approaches need little preceding information about which microbes are of great attention and the hereditary fingerprinting approaches allow credentials of dominant members of the microorganism community to the overall members. Biomolecules and microbial spores have been established to have distinguishing marks in the absorption outlines. In recent times, terahertz spectroscopy has appeared as a promising method that empowers the label free, non- exchange, and nondestructive assessment on the organic and biological constituents. They have used the absorption of thymine and the paired bands of Bacillus sp. spores.   They have used penetrating frequency domain analysis of spectrometer arrangement for absorption of these studies. The advantage of this scheme is that it has a great dynamic range between 70 dB at 100 Hz and 40dB at 1THz. This allows the detection of unique signs of various materials, e ven in the manifestation of background concentrations such as happens in thin coatings of liquid water. They also used the approach for absorption of thymine monohydrate powder which is found in DNA samples using terahertz frequency spectroscopy. The decisions were maintained by scanning electron optical microscope imaging processes, which clearly established the sample comprised frequently spores and proves that the samples are having very few negative microorganisms or bacteria. In 3rd paper THz measurements of Bacillus thuringiensis which is popularly known as a soil bacteria and insect pathogen are introduced.   These microbes produce protein crystals which are poisonous to a diversity of insects but are not injurious to creatures. The analysis of THz signatures is done using microscopically processes and the attenuation factors are reduced. The robust water attenuation between the ranges 400 to 1200 GHz weakens the reflection effect. The establishment of the link among THz signatures and level of hydration of bacillus thuringiensis samples takes place. The measure of THz monograms associated with the hydration additional maintain that the basis of absorption is probable from the external protein coating of spores which is the leading part of the bacterium that is focus to dehydration and adjusts quickly due to the environmental adjustments. Paper 1: ZHANG, W., BROWN, E. R., VIVEROS, L., BURRIS, K. P. AND STEWART JR., C. N. Narrow terahertz attenuation signatures in Bacillus thuringiensis In-text: (Zhang et al.) Bibliography: Zhang, Weidong et al. Narrow Terahertz Attenuation Signatures In Bacillus Thuringiensis. Journal of Biophotonics 7.10 (2013): 818-824. Web. Paper 2: VIVEROS, L., ZHANG, W., BROWN, E. R. AND BYKHOVSKI, A. Bioinspired THz applications for chemical analysis and microorganism fingerprinting In-text: (Viveros et al.) Bibliography: Viveros, Leamon et al. Bioinspired Thz Applications For Chemical Analysis And Microorganism Fingerprinting. NAECON 2014 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (2014): n. pag. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. paper 3: ZHANG, W., BROWN, E. R., VIVEROS, L., BURRIS, K. P. AND STEWART JR., C. N. Narrow terahertz attenuation signatures in Bacillus thuringiensis In-text: (Zhang et al.) Bibliography: Zhang, Weidong et al. Narrow Terahertz Attenuation Signatures In Bacillus Thuringiensis. Journal of Biophotonics 7.10 (2013): 818-824. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.

Monday, August 19, 2019

pascal :: essays research papers fc

Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher. He had many important contributions to the mathematics and physics such as: the construction of mechanical calculators, considerations on probability theory, the study of fluids, concepts of the pressure and vacuum, and the Pascal Triangle. After a divine experience in 1654, he devoted himself to meditating and writing philosophy. His many discoveries in the field of mathematics have made him one of the most important mathematicians in history (Broome). Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont, France in 1623. He was one of five children and lost his mother at the age of three. Starting in 1631, his father, Étienne Pascal, devoted himself to the education of Blaise, who showed extraordinary intelligence. At age 16, Pascal produced a paper on conic sections, which is now called Pascal's theorem. At age 18, Pascal created a mechanical calculator able to do addition and subtraction (Pascal). In 1653, Pascal wrote the Traità © du Triangle Arithmà ©tique, which was a theory described as a convenient tabular presentation for binomial coefficients. Today his theory is called the arithmetical triangle or Pascal triangle (Broome). Pascal did much research in science that included contributions to the study of fluids, pressures, and vacuums. He also invented the hydraulic press and syringe. In 1654, he worked with another mathematician, Fermat, on the mathematical theory of probabilities (Broome). In 1654, he was in a carriage accident and fifteen days later had an intense religious vision (Pascal). After the vision, Pascal began to attack the ideas of casuistry or complex reasoning to justify moral laxity. His wrote many essays and letters against this idea and was hated for this. Louis XIV of France ordered that his papers be shredded and burnt. Pascal largest theological writing was the Pensà ©es, which was a sustained and coherent examination of and defense of the Christian faith. However, the novel was left unfinished because of his death in Paris on August 19, 1662 (Broome). Blaise Pascal’s finding have provided much information to the mathmatic, scientific, and religious communitys.

Video Conferencing Essay -- Communication Essays

Video Conferencing This essay will be about a communication medium called Video Conferencing (not to be confused with Web conferencing). I will explain what video conferencing is, how it works, potential uses, future impact with regards to technology as well as advantages/disadvantages with video conferencing. According to West, Donald (august 2003) â€Å"Videoconferencing Whit Paper† Videoconferencing is two way video and sound between two or more locations using video, audio and high speed digital communication connections. The development of videoconferencing started way back in 1956 with AT&T building the first picture phone test system, and it gradually evolved and in 1991 the first video/audio conference was held (HREF1). By means of video conferencing, images are digital, bits or pixel is used to represent the image. Video is accomplished by sending a sequence of digital frames, this is then received, decoded and shown at the receiving end. Both parties of the conference receive and transmit streams of digital images and voice at the same time. Common features of video conferencing systems are camera, visual display, audio system, user interface and control system, network connection and compression. The critical component in this process is the compression, referred to as CODEC. This device converts images to a digital format for transmission and decodes the received image for display. Displays are normally standard television receivers, LCD or video projectors. The use of video conferencing as an essential part of business communication has increased dramatically in recent years. The growth is expected to continue unabated according to research firm Frost & Sullivan Inc, going from 1.9 billion U.S to 5.4 billion U... ... It has been limited by the lack of bandwidth, but as that is continuously growing streaming is definitely something to be reckoned with in the near future. The most interesting technology would be Teleportec, to be in two places at once sounds very fascinating, projecting a digital image of the user to appear in a room. Although it sounds more like science-fiction, it is vaguely in use today, even though it is very expensive it would be very interesting to se how this technology develops in the future. References Videoconferencing White Paper - August 2003 by West, Donald Video conferencing report by Taylor, Moira (HREF1) (HREF2) Electronic Engineering Times. David Lammers Manhasset: Apr 29, 2002. , Iss. 1216; pg. 46, 2 pgs

Sunday, August 18, 2019

HBM: A Dietary Supplement for Building Muscle :: Health Nutrition Papers

HBM: A Dietary Supplement for Building Muscle Three major companies (Twinlab, MetRx, and EAS) currently market the nutritional supplement HMB, or beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate ( HMB has been highly acclaimed since it’s recent market debut by EAS ( Many critics have compared it to the wonder-product Creatine Monohydrate. Such a comparison undoubtedly harbors both positive and negative aspects. But nevertheless, HMB products continue to thrive in nutritional stores worldwide. I. What is HMB? "HMB (hydroxy-methylbutraye) is a metabolite of the amino acid Leucine and is produced naturally by the human body. HMB is produced from a metabolite of leucine, called ketoisocaproate (KIC), by the enzyme KIC-dioxygenase. And, at least in the pig, HMB is produced exclusively from leucine"(Nissen p.2095). II. How does HMB work? Steven Nissen and his colleagues have performed the only study to date of HMB on humans. The researchers agree that the mechanism by which HMB impacts muscle proteolysis and function is not currently known. Nevertheless there are a number of postulations. "The high substrate concentration required by the dioxygenase enzyme compared with the liver concentration of KIC suggests that HMB production in the body may be a first-order reaction controlled by enzyme and KIC concentrations. It has been calculated that, under normal conditions, about 5% of leucine oxidation proceeds via this pathway. Therefore, if humans are assumed to have enzyme actions similar to those seen in pigs, a 70-kg human would produce from .2 to .4 g HMB/day depending on the level of dietary leucine. At leucine intakes of 20-50 g/day (which are used therapeutically), the concentrations of leucine and KIC in the liver increase and could result in HMB production reaching gram quantities per day"(Nissen p.2095). Some s tudies involving HMB supplementation to the diet of steers and pigs have been shown to improve caracass quality. Based on these findings, it has been hypothesized that supplementing the diet with HMB may inhibit protein degradation during periods of increased proteolysis such as resistance training. III. What are the Claims? The three companies that currently market the product recommend 1.5-3.0 grams of HMB/day as a dietary supplement. Although the science behind the product’s effectiveness is rather unclear, all three companies show few distinctions between dosages and manufacturing. Most people who have noticed the product often see HMB advertised as a protein breakdown suppressor. Researchers claim that such an advantage actually enhances the gains in muscle strength and lean mass associated with resistance training.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Littlefield Technologies Essay

Managing Customer Responsiveness at Littlefield Technologies Background Littlefield Technologies (LT) has developed another DSS product. The new product is manufactured using the same process as the product in the assignment â€Å"Capacity Management at Littlefield Technologies† — neither the process sequence nor the process time distributions at each tool have changed. On day 0, the factory began operations with three stuffers, one tester, and one tuner, and a raw materials inventory of 9600 kits. This left the factory with $1,000,000 in reserves. Customer demand continues to be random, but the long-run average demand will not change over the product’ 268-day lifetime. At the end s of this lifetime, demand will end abruptly and factory operations will be terminated. At this point, all capacity and remaining inventory will be useless, and thus have no value. Management would like to charge the higher prices that customers would pay for dramatically shorter lead times. However, historic lead times often extend into several days, so management has been unwilling to quote the shorter lead times. Operations Policies at Littlefield LT uses a Reorder Point / Order Quantity raw material purchase policy. That is, raw kits are purchased as soon as the following three criteria are all met: (1) the inventory of raw kits is less than the reorder point, (2) there are no orders for raw kits currently outstanding, and (3) the factory has sufficient cash to purchase the reorder quantity. No order is placed if any of these three criteria are not met. So, for example, a team could prevent orders from being placed at all by setting the order quantity so high that there is insufficient cash to place an order. Kits are purchased in multiples of 60 because orders arrive in batches of 60. A reliable supplier delivers exactly the order quantity of batches, four days after the order is placed and paid for. Management considers physical cost of holding inventory negligible compared to the financial costs. Other details concerning the purchasing policy can be found in the â€Å"Littlefield Technologies — Overview† note. The current reorder point and reorder quantity can be changed by clicking on â€Å"Edit Data† on the Materials Buffer icon. Customers are willing to pay a premium for fast lead times, and you now have three pricing contracts to choose from: †¢ price = $750; quoted lead time = 7 days; maximum lead time = 14 days. (This is the contract that the factory starts with). †¢ price = $1000; quoted lead time = 1 day; maximum lead time = 3 days. †¢ price = $1250; quoted lead time = 0.5 days; maximum lead time = 1 day. As before, if an order’ lead time exceeds the quoted lead time, then the revenue for that s order decreases linearly, from the prices above for the quoted lead time to $0 for the maximum lead time. A contract is assigned to an order as soon as it arrives at the factory, and that contract cannot be changed subsequently for that order. Contracts for future orders can be selected by clicking on â€Å"Edit Data† on the Customer Order icon. You will also notice a few days where zero jobs are completed by the factory. On such days, the daily average lead time and daily average revenues are meaningless, so a value of zero will appear in the plots and downloaded data on those days. You are also allowed to buy and sell machines and change the scheduling rule at the tester. Assignment The factory has been running for 50 simulated days, and management has recalled the high-powered operations team (you) to manage the capacity, scheduling, purchasing, lot sizing, and contract quotations to maximize the cash generated by the factory over its lifetime. Management is not providing any operating budget beyond the cash generated by the factory itself. You will have control of the factory from day 50 to day 218. At 1 hour per simulated day, this translates to 7 real days. At day 218, you lose control of the factory, and the simulation will quickly run another 50 days of simulation. When you lose control of the factory, management expects you to leave the factory parameters set to maximize the factory’ cash position when the factory shuts down on day 268. After the simulation s ends on day 268, you can check the status of your factory, but the factory will no longer be running. Your team should turn in one summary of what actions you took during the week you had access to the factory, why you took those actions, and in retrospect whether you think you did the right thing. Show analysis to justify your conclusions. Your team’ grade will be s partially based on your performance, but mainly based on your summary. The summary cannot exceed 3 pages in length, and no appendices are allowed.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gender and Language Essay

Other forms which establish their superiority over women is their need for scientific jargon, to prove to women (and sometime themselves) that they are the more intelligent of the two genders. Other male magazines tend to use abbreviated terms for titles or objects, which connote authority, such as ‘FHM’, ‘GQ’ or even ‘MAX POWER’. These titles connote the idea of periodic and scientifically symbols or even macho representations such as G. I Joe. Max Power being a prime example of the bigger is better theory shared by a majority of males. In which case all the titles connote the idea that by reading these magazines they will fundamentally gain enjoyment and authority as well as establishing the male gender as the more dominant of the two. The placing of the title also suggests that what men really want from a magazine is what the media has always believed to be true; Sexually portrayed, attractive young women spread across the front cover, regardless if the title can be seen or not, is always more likely to sell to a male audience rather than another male being shown. The actress Tara Reid is the focus point of the front page and draws the reader in, due to her seductive pose. She is inviting but yet still shows sign of vulnerability and innocents as her ensemble of clothing is of very lacy and more to the point of white fabric, white connoting all that is good and untouched by others. The tag line also insinuates that the article containing her will also be of great interest to a male audience as it is sexually oriented and suggests phallic implications. This has been chosen to suit what is speculated to be the needs of today’s man, which is the chance to be the more dominant of genders and who is capable of giving women security. This ideology and belief has now been shifted, as women today are more than capable of dealing with life much better on their own without a man. Men are also more aware of how women like to be seen as equal to them, and some are very open to this change while others prefer to remain in the past and continue to view women as docile individuals. The cover of ‘Maxim’ doesn’t encourage today’s changes in genders, which suggest this is how they maintain an audience of male chauvinists, or at least to gain their attention. Within the actually magazine stories and articles are very similar to those found in female magazines but obviously aimed at a male audience. It’s very refreshing to see that the barriers between the two sexes are very alike, in terms of language used and design. The typical ‘hard’ image of what men perceive to be has in some ways become more softer and less aggressive, showing that the new man of the twenty-first century can also adapt to new ideas, and that the gap between the two genders draws closer with each generation. Obviously certain aspects of the magazine must be deemed just for a man, or at least of more interest to a man than to a women, for instance an article which expressed ways in which police officers captured and tormented their prisoners, showed images of guns and military dressed young men with vicious blood thirsty dogs barking at the prisoners. The overall affect of the images were very crude and somewhat inhumane, but for some men the idea of human destruction and war will always be of interest to them, for reasons which still hold questions as to why? Overall the identification of this magazine being targeted at a male audience can be said to be true, due to the following aspects: – A Semi- nude female (preferably blond) will be spread across the front page, more identifiable if the female is already well known. – The title expresses a large quantity as mentioned by theorist Raymond Williams that men are prone to the idea that ‘Big is always better’ – Sub-headings denote issues, which contain those related to sport, especially as the world cup is due to start. – And current affair issues which reflect destruction and chaos from around the world whereas with a female magazine the current affairs brought up are mostly directed at individuals who are form the world of showbiz or contain humour. In terms of the last point, female magazines such as ‘MORE! ‘ tend not to dramatise or even discuss issues which reflect those found on the news unless it is of relevance to their British, female audiences. This in some ways might be because they still fear that women are quite frail and are more prone to show emotion to such topics. Hence defeating the object of a magazine being a medium of entertainment, if the issues raised are of a more serious nature. This is where the difference between magazine journalism and that of newspaper journalism lies. As Newspaper writing is aimed at various individuals and not to one set gender or age group it allows for news and entertainment of both kinds to be expressed without the fear of upsetting anyone, as this is what it is set out to do. Magazines such as MORE, are what give female audiences a break from reality and allow them to indulge into the world of gossip and fame. A belief shared by most people, in particularly men, that women enjoy gossip. Mary Crawford states that gossip allows women to communicate with their peers and gives them a sense of comfort; being allowed to know what other people are doing from another world, which in turn is very different to that of their own gives them satisfaction and enjoyment. In conclusion what I have noticed within my brief analysis is that although times have changed male magazines still seem more relatable to today’s society and contain more in-depth issues which a lot of female magazines fear to tread on. However this may only be the start, barriers have already started to break between the two genders and with time these barriers may cease to exist. As women are now given more sexual freedom and social changes have taken place in terms of media influences (for instance commercials now cater for all genders and represent them as equal to men). A lot more of society now embrace the new feminist women and single mothers and radical changes have taken place in order to have reach this state as well as changes from men and their somewhat narcissistic attitudes. A quote, which most women of today’s society can now identify with would be that of Charles Fourier in 1808, which said stated that ‘The extension of women’s rights is the basic of all social change. ‘ In other words allow women to live the way in which they choose and not condemn them for it and changes within the sexes will be made for the better. Bibliography Crawford, M ‘Talking difference: on Gender and Language’, Sage 1995 Fourier C, ‘ Theories of the forth Movement, 1880 Martin, M, ‘Ways of reading’, language and gender, 2000 Williams, R. (1980/1996) ‘Advertising the Magic System’, Media Studies: A Reader

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Banjo Paterson’s Clancy of the Overflow and Henry Lawson’s Up the Country Essay

Australian Bush Ballads have captured the essence of early Australian life. Bush Ballads do more than this they often deal with the hardships encountered living on the land as well as the people of the bush. The poetry of â€Å"Henry Lawson† and â€Å"Banjo Paterson† deal with these concepts. While Banjo Paterson defends and romanticises the bush in his many ballads for example â€Å"Clancy of the Overflow†, Henry Lawson provides a more balanced view of the bush in his poems, in particular â€Å"Up the Country.† Poem – Clancy of the overflow by Banjo Paterson Topic sentence – â€Å"Clancy of the Overflow† is typical of an Australian Bush Ballad. In this poem, Clancy serves as the representation of what Australians should be like, which is wild, adventurous, pioneering, friendly and free. Body – Paterson’s poem â€Å"Clancy of the overflow† criticises the dynamics of town life because it objects to the values the bush is based upon. For Paterson, these values included order, stagnation, narrowness of vision and unfriendliness. Paterson feels as though these values will not create a better Australia. Banjo Paterson romanticises about the Australian bush and in this poem he describes how wonderful and extravagant life in the bush is by using flowing and expressive language for example vision splendid, sunlit plains, wondrous glory and everlasting stars. An extract from his poem sums up the landscape of the bush, â€Å"In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars, and he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended, and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars.† Banjo Paterson has created a flowing stanza of rhyme which depicts and portrays the awe of the Australian bush using imagery making the reader more involved in the story. Clancy personifies Paterson’s vision of what the Australian should be. He is an individual who is a part of the historical evolution of Australia in touch with the traditions of life on the land. Paterson is celebrating this aspect of Australia and idealising the experience of the shearer and drover,  in general. Quote – â€Å"In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars, and he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended, and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars.† Poem – Up the Country by Henry Lawson Topic sentence – â€Å"Up the Country† by â€Å"Henry Lawson† contrasts city and bush life but still conveys a balanced and descriptive perspective on what the bush and city are like. Body – Henry Lawson’s ability to portray and capture a true image of the bush and city in his poems is exemplary particularly in his poem â€Å"Up the Country.† Although Henry Lawson dislikes the Australian Bush and degrades the scenery, he also describes the isolation of the outback and the devastation brought by the fires, floods and droughts. Therefore Australian Bush Ballads do show us the challenges of living in the Australian Landscape. Henry Lawson believed that an Australian identity must emanate from its own soil, not from the safe green fields of the mother country, Britain. This is why he took such a strong stance on the bush. The landscape in the poem â€Å"Up the Country† is described as being filled with â€Å"miles and miles of thirsty gutters† which is reflecting on the Australian landscape being affected by drought, and Isolation, for the thirsty gutters stretch for miles and miles. In this extract the reader is brought to the understanding that the bush is an isolated and harsh place. Henry Lawson has written this poem in first person, so as to give his personal opinion of the bush. This can clearly be seen by the title, Up the Country. In this poem he has depicted and conveyed different alley ways into the world of the Australian bush, by using descriptive language he has shaped and given the reader an understanding of what life in the bush would really be like. Quote – â€Å"Miles and miles of thirsty gutters†

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Four Essential Elements of Teams

In this age of rapidly changing technology, market-driven decision making, customer sophistication, and employee restlessness, leaders and managers are faced with new challenges. Organizations must build new structures and master new skills in order to compete and survive. As work settings become more complex and involve increased numbers of interpersonal interactions, individual effort has less impact. In order to increase efficiency and effectiveness, a group effort is required. The creation of teams has become a key strategy in many organizations. Team building is an essential element in supporting and improving the effectiveness of small groups and task forces and must be a key part of a total program of organizational change. Hellriegel, Slocum, & Woodman (1986) state that team building is used to improve the effectiveness of work groups by focusing on any of the following four purposes: setting goals and priorities, deciding on means an methods, examining the way in which the group works, and exploring the quality of working relationships. A cycle then develops; it begins with the awareness or perception of a problem and is followed sequentially by data collection, data sharing diagnosis, action planning, action implementation, and behavioral evaluation. This style is repeated as new problems are identified. Not all work groups are teams. Reilly and Jones (1974) list four essential elements of teams: goals, interdependence, commitment, and accountability. The members must have mutual goals or a reason to work together; there must be an interdependent working relationship; individuals must be committed to the group effort; and the group must be accountable to a higher level within the organization. A good example is an athletic team, whose members share goals and an overall purpose. Individual players have specific assignments they are responsible for, but each depends on the other team members to complete their assignments. Lack of commitment to the team effort reduces overall effectiveness. Finally, the team usually operates within the framework of a higher organization such a league. The overall objective of a work team is to exercise control over organizational change (functionally, this involves increased decision-making and problem-solving efforts), although a side effect may be to increase the productivity of individual members. A primary objective of team building is to increase awareness of group process. In essence, the group members will learn how to control change externally by experimenting internally. The team-building effort will concentrate on barriers to effective functioning and the selection of strategies to overcome these barriers. Organizational failures often are not a result of poor leadership but of poor followership. Few training programs teach how to be an effective member of a democratic group. A team member is one of a group of mutual followers. Observation of individuals functioning within teams leads to the following list of characteristics of an effect team member. Such a person: Understands and is committed to group goals; Is friendly, concerned, and interested in others; Acknowledges and confronts conflict openly; Listens to others with understanding; Includes others in the decision-making process; Recognizes and respects individual differences; Contributes ideas and solutions; Values the ideas and contributions of others; Recognizes and rewards team efforts; and Encourages and appreciates comments about team performance. These characteristics are in sequential pattern, alternating task and relationship behaviors. This pattern of behaviors is the starting point for the development of effective team building. Team Building is a planned change intervention that focuses on the dynamics of a team†s functioning. The purpose of team building is to improve the team†s capacity to adapt, allow members to function at their most productive resourceful levels, and to achieve the teams goals. In developing teams there are four different stages that must be fully accomplished in order to reach its mission through achieving higher quality in the workplace. These stages in sequence are: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. The first three stages of team development must be completed in order to achieve stage four. In each stage there are distinct behaviors, feelings and questions which team members can experience. In stage one, Forming, personal relations are peculiar by strength. Team members depend on considerate and imitated behavior and look to the team leader for standpoint and guidance. The conjoint or mutual feelings that are used in forming are: Excitement, expectancy, and uniformed optimism. Happy to be selected as being part of the team. Showing conditional attachment to the team. Having doubts, concerns and uncertainty about the job or the task ahead. The team members also have questions and remarks that they expect to be answered by team developers, they are: â€Å"Who are all these people?† â€Å"Everyone is being so polite.† â€Å"This might be kind of exciting.† An effective and efficient behavior is expected from the team leader. A leader should answer all the questions the team members have. A leader should also guide them through each step and verify the expected need of each member. A team will be formed efficiently. All of the teams ideas and goals will have a positive effect in the organization. The second stage, Norming, is characterized by cohesion within the team. Team members recognize each other†s positions and benefits and are willing to change their preconceived ideas to achieve common consent. The common feelings that are used in Norming are: Team members have the ability to communicate without being afraid of retaliation. Team members accept their membership to the team. Feeling comfort that certain things will go the way they were planned. Team members are friendlier and they share more revealing feelings with each other. The questions and comments that are stated in Norming are: â€Å"How are we going to get along with each other?† â€Å"What are the rules of membership?† â€Å"Seems like we are all on the same track finally.† â€Å"We seem to be operating more unified, and we try to avoid conflict, when possible.† In Norming, the team members finally put the fear of failure behind them. They are willing to work out any conflict that may occur. Positive and negative feedback becomes more accepting within the team. As feedback increase, members have a better understanding of where they stand and become more involved in decision making.

Strategic Analysis and Presentation of Business Essay

Strategic Analysis and Presentation of Business - Essay Example The completion of the renovations is expected to increase the current revenue by at least 2% every month over the next year for a total of a 24% increase (Hasan, 2012). Negotiations have also been instigated for the inclusion of gasoline sales at this location. In order to install underground gasoline tanks, gas pumps, and a canopy over the fueling area, half of the current parking lot area would need to be fenced off for construction. While this might interfere with business, the profits earned from this venture could potentially exceed the losses endured during the installation of the necessary equipment. Negotiations between a national oil company and Qwick Stop & Go have discussed who would be responsible for the installation of the underground gasoline tanks, gas pumps, and the canopy. Figure 1: Store Layout and Projected Gasoline Mission, Vision, and Guiding Values Organizations write mission statements to specify the values that will govern day-to-day operations, customer serv ice, and promotion and purpose of the business. Most corporations keep the statement simple for easy reading, understanding, and repetition of values (Radtke, 1998). Teaching employees how to incorporate the expected values in daily actions, while employed, requires training and examples that continually enforce the desired outcome. The mission statement for this business is as follows: Qwick Stop & Go convenience store exists to provide customers with a convenient shopping experience with a selection of quality products, exceptional service, and a clean and friendly neighborhood environment. We are committed to our customers and we will be responsive to their needs and viewpoints as we stock our shelves and interact with the individuals throughout our community (Hasan, 2012). Customers are the backbone of the convenience store industry and without their continued patronage Qwick Stop & Go would not exist. Excellent customer service becomes essential to maintaining current customers and earning the business of new clients. Offering the products that the customers need at a fair price also builds customer loyalty (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland III, 2011). External Environment Five external environmental factors will potentially affect Qwick Stop and Go convenience store’s success. The five factors are social, economical, political, technological, and ecological. Each one of these factors can work independently or collectively to support the business. The new owner needs to observe how each factor interacts with the business and take the necessary steps to ensure that each factor is used as a strength or opportunity (Thompson et al. 2011). The social factor relates to the interaction of the customers and the buying patterns they display. Customers who patronize the Qwick Stop & Go have commented that the benefits of gasoline sales would be worth the initial cost to install the equipment. The owner has discussed this idea with many of the regular customers who frequent the convenience store and decided that looking into the possibility of installing gas pumps on the premises may be a strategic move that would benefit all stakeholders. Many families live within a close proximity of the Qwick Stop & Go convenience store and most of them have more than one car per household. Middle class residential housing

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The movie 13th Warrior Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The 13th Warrior - Movie Review Example There are also references to the Cain killing Abel â€Å"this unhappy being had long lived in the land of monsters since the Creator cast them out as kindred of Cain.   For that killing of Abel the eternal Lord took vengeance.†( Heaney, 165).   Beowulf has taken 12 men to his last fight, just like Jesus had twelve disciples at the table during the Last Supper.   Probably, the author was trying to put Beowulf on the line with Jesus.   Beowulf went to kill the dragon in order to stop killings on innocent, just like Jesus has sacrificed himself to give salvation to the whole human kind.     The same elements of Christianity can be traced in the movie â€Å"13th Warrior†, however, with some differences.   For example, the movie starts with Arab meeting with his people to go on a quest.   This Arab is the narrator of the story, and, therefore, he is Muslim, not Christian.   However, all of those Christianity elements mentioned above (twelve people, referenc e to one God not many) still remain.   Such difference in representing religion is a bit confusing, because it is believed that Muslim religion belongs to the Pagan.   The Vikings (members of the Arab’s bang) showed in the movie were the part of the culture according to which there are numerous Gods and they reside on Mount Olympus.   The similarity between Arab and Beowulf is that both of them believe in one God.   From the other side, mentioning of the trolls, giants fighting ogres and elves which are plenty in the poem, are not part of the Christianity (Beowulf, 164).. Moreover, the mentioning to the idols is also part of the Paganism. These Pagan symbols and creatures are also present in the movie. Therefore, the depiction of Pagan religion in the poem and in the movie is the same. Another theme covered in the poem is the traditional funeral of that time. Both the movie and poem start with the funeral of the king which is described very vividly. As it is written in Beowulf, the warrior and king are set a float with all the possessions and then the raft is set on fire. â€Å"13th Warrior† presents this scene exactly the same. Afterwards the great feast comes to celebrate the death of the old ruler and the life of the new ruler. It is a very interesting historical tradition to make the celebration of the king’s death and life of new king at one day. It seems that joy and sorrow stand at one line. Further, the personality of Beowulf is depicted differently in the poem compared to the movie. For example, Beowulf has led his warriors in the search for glory (not because of his desire to be good) and decided to help the town only because this act will add up fame in his life. In the movie, it is presented differently: the warriors traveled to the village in order to relieve distress and for this reason they have offered their assistance. However, the courage of these warriors is equally appraised in the movie and in the poem: not a single person went to sleep

Monday, August 12, 2019

Tourism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Tourism - Research Paper Example Consequently, tourism is advantageous to any nation that desire growth. Countries should encourage tourism because it creates a significant amount of job opportunities, leads to economic growth, and enhance the preservation of cultural heritage. Tourism is among the sectors that create employment opportunities for people. The service nature of tourism is human resource intensive. As one of the globe’s leading job creators, it allows migrant workers, youth, and women to enter quickly into the workforce. About 250 million people, representing approximately eight percent of the world’s workforce, work in the tourism sector (Unep, 2011). According to United Nations Environmental Program (2011), fifty percent of the employees in the industry consist of people aged 25 years and below. It further says that women make up the majority of the tourist industry workers, which is between 60 and 70 percent. Developing countries greatly benefit from sustainable tourism investment as it helps in the creation of job opportunities especially for people that are poor. Apart from the creation of direct job opportunities, there is evidence of the sector creating many indirect employment opportunities. Indirect jobs grow in segment s that lean towards the natural environment and local culture. It is estimated that about one and a half indirect jobs spring from one job in the primary tourism industry. Examples of indirect workers that a person working in the hotel can create may include travel agency staff, taxi drivers, guides, food suppliers, textile workers, gardeners, souvenir shop staff, laundry workers, and airport employees. Developing sustainable tourism can further increase employment opportunities since it allows people to work on water, energy, and waste services. The relationships enhance multiple workplace situations such as part-time, full-time, casual, temporal, and seasonal jobs. Tourism is thus an

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Enterprise Architecture Q&A Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Architecture Q&A - Assignment Example The business principle aims at ensuring that disruptions to the enterprise operations resulting from system interruptions are decreased. Therefore, technical architecture must provide users of the enterprise the capability to continue their business functions (Minoli, 2008). Hence, because the business principle is business continuity then the technical architecture is likely to adapt to ensure continuity of business function through capabilities established by the enterprise. When the business principle changes to maximize benefits of the enterprise, this ensures little fragmentation of the technical architecture while maximizing investment that serves enterprise-wide purpose as opposed to solutions that serve individual business units (Minoli, 2008). Because the business principle changed to maximize benefits, the technical architecture would now need to focus on priorities set by the entire enterprise to avoid duplication that can be expensive. In the above CRUD matrix, three processes are identified that include student registration, tutor support and coaching. Online registration provides information regarding the student that can be edited and accessed as needed. Tutor support and coaching enable a student to access the necessary course document while relating with the tutor

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Problems Publlic Schools Face Across the Nation Annotated Bibliography

Problems Publlic Schools Face Across the Nation - Annotated Bibliography Example In the administration block, teachers are sitting in their desks waiting for students to turn up for classes but at the end of the day, no one shows up. This behavior should be blamed on most parents who do not orient their children on the importance of education. It is obvious that students would not act any differently when their parents are not motivating them to study. The teachers, parents, and administrators have totally lost control over their children. Apart from this, politicians and state legislators thwart teachers over their judgment and allocation of grades come graduation day. Teachers face many problems in schools in that they lack good training and teaching materials for their large classes. This poses a great challenge to the teachers because they cannot give assignments to students since some of them lack textbooks. Students, they have already given up studying because education among peers does not matter and of less value. Self-esteem and motivation is low and fragile that even students achievement of reading, learning or doing a simple algebra assignment is viewed as personal attack. The government enacted ‘No Child Left Behind Act’ to address the issues that public schools were facing, but unfortunately, instead of correcting the system, it has infringed it more. Under this policy, a lot of emphasis is laid on punitive actions and test scores. What destroys education system is that this law provides that students are forced to learn for NCLB tests versus offering education they need. NCLB policy is too stringent and it has failed to offer necessary financial incentives to enact the law. The problem with this educational reform is that it does not include all educational stakeholders in its programs when allocating funds. Everyone is a victim of a failed government policy including the government, teachers, society, parents, colleges, administrators, and society. It seems hopeless and irrelevant as no

Friday, August 9, 2019

Bussines Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bussines Accounting - Essay Example However, with the shift in the supply curve the quantity supplied falls. On account of this leftward shift the equilibrium supply falls to St and the equilibrium price moves up to Pt. The demand for cotton remains intact and the supply curve shifts upward. The unchanged demand and the fall in supply mean that the price of cotton will increase (The University of North Carolina, n.d.). Due to the fall in supply and unchanged demand of cotton the supplier will now charge a higher price for lesser quantity of cotton. This explains the rise in the price of cotton due to a fall in cotton supply of major cotton manufacturing countries. Scenario 2- An emergence in economy has a positive impact on demand. The emergence of the UK economy from the grip of the recent recessionary phase and the reported growth in the first three quarters of 2010 is a good sign for the market. It implies that there has been arise in the level of business activity. With the rise in the business activity the income of the people will move up thereby pushing up their demand for cotton. On account of the increased demand and constant supply (assumed) the price of the cotton will move up. In the above diagram with the rise in demand for cotton from Q1 (old) to Q2 (new) the demand curve shifts from D1 to D2 however the supply remains constant at S1. As a result of the increased demand and constant supply the equilibrium price increases from P1 (old) to P2 (new). Therefore an emergence in the economy of UK will result in a rise in the price of cotton. Scenario 3- A rise in the price of crude oil from $40 per barrel at the time of the recent recession to $92 per barrel in the current market will exert an upward pressure on the price of cotton. This happens because cost of crude oil is a ‘factor cost’ for the supplier. The rise in the cost of crude oil raises the transportation costs for the supplier. A rise in the factor cost raises the overall cost of the seller. As a result of the inc reased cost the seller lowers the supply of the goods as he is not willing to supply the same goods at an increased cost. In the above diagram the original supply was So and the original quantity that the supplier was willing to sell was Qo at the price Po. However with the rise in any of the factor cost the supplier will lower the supply of goods. In the given scenario the supplier lowers the cotton supply on account of a rise in the transportation cost. Due to the fall in supply and the unchanged demand the price increases to Pt. This happens because same number of ‘buyers’ are chasing a lesser amount of goods (cotton) . Due to this the price of cotton increases to Pt. Therefore a rise in the price of crude oil increases the transport cost of the supplier thereby lowering the supply and creating an upward pressure on the price. Scenario 4- A rise in Value Added tax in UK from 17.5% to 20% in January 4, 2011 will create an upward pressure in prices. The imposition of t he value added tax creates an â€Å"inward shift in the supply curve†. This means that the supply curve shifts towards the left thereby raising the equilibrium level of prices and decreasing the amount of goods sold (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, n.d.). In the above diagram So is the original supply when the VAT was 17.5%. But with the rise in VAT to 20% the supply curve shifts leftward to So as the suppliers are now willing to sell lesser amount of